Magazine - Knowledge Base Food Supplements | Goerlich Pharma


15. September 2023
Was macht einen Lohnhersteller für eine langfristig erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit aus  | Goerlich Pharma

Food supplements with a built-in success factor: What makes a contract manufacturer suitable for a long-term successful collaboration

Do you want to outsource part of your processes or the entire production of your product and are looking for a reliable contract manufacturer that fits you and your needs well? On whom you can rely in the long term? The […]
30. June 2023
Probiotika Darmgesundheit | Goerlich Pharma

For a good gut feeling: The pure power of probiotic bacteria

Probiotics and prebiotics have been in the spotlight when talking about health, in particular, gut health. An exciting, expansive field is emerging in which there are more and more studies and reports on the positive and health-promoting effects on the […]
9. November 2022
Magazinartikel Frau im Fokus | Goerlich Pharma

Active at every stage of life: Focus on Women

Women and men are now equal in many areas [1]. Nevertheless, women have different strengths, experiences, circumstances and visions and also experience changes in the different phases of life. A possible desire to have children, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause demand […]
23. November 2020
Wunder Immunsystem

Invisible and yet so important for our health and well-being: Miracle immune system!

Behind the words ‘immune system’ lies a very complex network. Our immune system, also known as the defence system, consists of an interaction between certain body cells, signal substances and tissues and, along with the nervous system, is one of […]
16. April 2019
Omega 3 cod fish oil

What requirements should a high-quality marine Omega-3 concentrate meet?

For us humans they are essential, i.e. vital: Omega-3 fatty acids. Besides vitamins and miner-als, Omega-3 fatty acids are the most studied class of substances. Our body cannot produce these itself, which is why we have to regularly include them […]
1. April 2019
Glucomannan aus der Konjac-Wurzelknolle | Goerlich Pharma

Glucomannan derived from the konjac tuber

Description of the plant and substance Glucomannan is a natural product obtained from the tubers of the konjac plant. The name “konjac” comes from its botanical name, Amorphophallus konjac, and the glucomannan-containing extract obtained from its tubers is known as […]
12. March 2019
Darreichungsformen von Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln | Wissen Goerlich Pharma

Various forms of dosage for dietary supplements

A delicious, well-presented meal is a pleasure for everyone. When it comes to dietary supplements, these should also be a feast for the eyes. An attractive product leads both to good acceptance and compliance among consumers. Good compliance ensures not […]
14. February 2019
Bauchwohlbefinden Frau Probiotika


Probiotics present many possible applications when it comes to well-being and health Microorganisms have been part of the human diet for a very long time. They occur in large amounts in fermented foods in particular, and provide not only a […]
25. January 2019
Omega3 für’s Herz

Omega-3 Fatty Acids – A Multitude of Combination Possibilities

Omega-3 fatty acids, and especially the eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid DHA, are true allrounders for our health. Since they are a part of each and every individual cell they influence all bodily functions. The resulting anti-inflammatory messengers can […]
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