Nutrition & Vitality

Vitality is a synonym for life force and a zest for life¹. According to Wikipedia, vitality is defined as: “the functionality and mental state typical for the gender and age”². But how you stay vital at every age? A combination of healthy nutrition, adequate movement and food supplements as needed can be important parts of the puzzle in preventing illnesses and are a basic requirement for a vital life.

Healthy nutrition as the ABCs for a vital life

Balanced nutrition is the basic pillar of a fit lifestyle. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung [German Association for Nutrition] refers to 10 rules that constitute the basis of a healthy diet according to current scientific standards:³

  • Enjoy a variety of foods
  • Fruits and vegetables: “5 per day”
  • Choose whole grains
  • Supplement the selection with animal-based foods
  • Use healthy fats
  • Be sparing with sugar and salt
  • Drink water, preferably
  • Prepare food considerately
  • Eat and enjoy with intent
  • Pay attention to your weight and keep moving
Gesunde Ernährung | Goerlich Pharma

There are also many types of diets that support healthy nutrition. In Ayurveda (“wisdom from long life”), for instance, one lives according to the motto, “You are what you digest”. You only eat what your body can metabolize. Preferably, three cooked meals are eaten per day and the meals, suitable for the body type, are refined with spices that promote digestion. Between the meals, fasting breaks during which only warm water is consumed, ensure optimum digestion and detoxification. This way, the body doesn’t have to constantly expend energy for digestion and can invest it in other activities. Eating late at night is taboo according to the Ayurvedic way of life and a fasting period of at least 13 hours ensures relaxing sleep and energy for the next day.

Vegetarianism and veganism are other types of conscious diets. In addition to ethical considerations, not eating animal-based products also offers health benefits. One requirement is, of course, largely foregoing heavily processed products and learning about nutrient requirements and replacing proteins with plant-based alternatives like legumes, nuts and soy products. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics confirms that “well-planned vegetarian diets, including veganism, are healthy and appropriate for nutritional physiology and can offer health benefits with respect to preventing and treating certain illnesses”.⁴

An examination of the blue zones of the world (in these regions, people live longer than the general average) showed that a primarily vegetarian diet, high in legumes, is prevalent. The absence of stress and an intact social life also appear to have a positive impact on the vital ageing process.⁵

Closing supply gaps with food supplements

In today’s hectic world, many people find it difficult to consume all of the necessary nutrients through their diet. This is where food supplements come into play and can offer valuable support.

On the one hand, it’s about rectifying nutrient deficiencies. Stress, a hectic lifestyle, environmental factors and eating habits can result in us not always consuming adequate amounts of all of the necessary nutrients. Food supplements offer a simple way to rectify these deficiencies and ensure that our bodies receive all of the necessary nutrients.

On the other hand, specific needs can be covered by the targeted intake of food supplements. Whether the objective is to support the immune system, strengthen bones and joints, promote heart health or improve cognitive function, there is a wide range of food supplements aimed at supporting our vitality and health.

There are many health claims that can be used in the “vitality” segment. Here is a small selection:

  • Magnesium contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism
  • Magnesium contributes to normal psychological function
  • Magnesium contributes to a reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Magnesium contributes to normal muscle function
  • Magnesium contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
  • Vitamin C contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism
  • Vitamin C contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Vitamin C contributes to normal psychological function
  • Vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Vitamin C contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress
  • Vitamin C contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Niacin contributes to normal energy-yielding metabolism
  • Niacin contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Vitamin D contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function
  • Vitamin D contributes to the maintenance of normal bones
  • Zinc contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Zinc contributes to normal cognitive function
  • Vitamin A contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Pantothenic acid contributes to normal mental performance
  • Pantothenic acid contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Vitamin B6 contributes to the normal function of the immune system
  • Vitamin B6 contributes to the reduction of tiredness and fatigue
  • Selenium contributes to the normal function of the immune system

As the leading contract-based manufacturer for food supplements, we are proud to offer high-quality products based on the newest scientific findings.

Good nutrition and the right food supplements can form the basis of a healthy and vital life!

Movement as an important component

In addition to healthy eating habits, adequate movement is an important component of a vital lifestyle. For adults between 18 and 64, WHO recommends: At least 150 minutes of moderately intense activity and muscle strength training at least twice a week. According to WHO, this reduces the risk of developing certain diseases, e.g., cardiopulmonary diseases, diabetes and depression.⁶

If we pay attention to the 3 aspects, “healthy nutrition”, “rectify nutrient deficiencies with food supplements” and “adequate movement”, we can make a valuable contribution to our health. As a contract-based manufacturer of high-quality food supplements, we hope you were able to delve deeper into the topic of “Nutrition & Vitality” with this product range and understand what can positively impact our health.

Bewegung & Vitalität | Goerlich Pharma

Our new concept for a good body feeling: the probiotic shape stick

3 selected microencapsulated bacterial strains with a total of 3 billion bacteria to improve digestion and metabolism*²

The mixture also combines anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antipathogenic properties and supports the intestinal barrier.

Probiotik Shape Stick | Goerlich Pharma

Recommended dosage: 1 direct stick per day

  • Bifidobacterium breve BR03
  • Lactobacillus plantarum LP01
  • Lactobacillus rhamnosus LR06
  • Inulin as prebiotic
  • Vitamin B3 and B6 as micronutrients
  • Supplement this formulation with additional value-giving ingredients and create your individual Plus-Product.

Suitable health claims for your promotional message could be:

  • Vitamin B3 → Niacin contributes to a normal energy metabolism
  • Vitamin B6 → Vitamin B6 contributes to a normal energy metabolism

*² There are no approved health claims for the aforementioned probiotic strains.

 Our Food Supplements around “Nutrition & Vitality”:

Hard Capsules

Acerola, ORGANIC DE-ÖKO-005

Art.No. 55-000418
Bio Icon | Goerlich Pharma

59.5 mg Vitamin C
Size 0, transparent


Art.No. 55-000414
40 mg Vitamin C
7 mg Iron
Size 1, transparent


Art.No. 55-000420
250 mg Citrus Sinensis Extract
100 mg Rhodiola Rosea Extract
of which 3 mg Rosavin
3 mg Pantothenic Acid
0.7 mg Vitamin B6
6 mg Vitamin E
1.3 μg Vitamin B12
0.4 mg Vitamin A
28.1 mg Magnesium
Size 0el, transparent


Art.No. 53-005005
Vegan Icon | Goerlich PharmaÖlmischungen Icon | Goerlich Pharma
4 mg Astaxanthin
Size 0, transparent

Coral Calcium

Art.No. 55-000038
500 mg Coral Calcium Powder
of which 175 mg Calcium
Size 0, transparent


Art.No. 55-000228
Vegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
500 mg Cranberry Powder
Size 0, transparent


Art.No. 55-000419
15 mg Citrus Aurantium Extract
of which 6 mg Synephrine
179 mg Green Tea Extract
of which 170.1 mg Polyphenols
300 mg Ginger Extract
of which 15 mg Gingerols
100 mg Chilli, ground
Size 00, transparent


Art.No. 55-000799
Vegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
450 mg Frankincense Extract
Size 0el, transparent

Ginger Extract, ORGANIC DE-ÖKO-005

Art.No. 55-000417
Bio Icon | Goerlich Pharma
300 mg Ginger Extract, Organic
of which 10.5 mg Gingerols & Shogaols
Size 1, transparent


Art.No. 55-000716
500 mg Glucomannan
Size 00, transparent

Glucosamine Chondroitin PLUS

Art.No. 55-000410
480 mg Glucosamine Sulphate
300 mg Chondroitin Sulphate
0.7 mg Manganese
Size 00, transparent

Green Lipped Mussel Powder

Art.No. 55-000049
400 mg Green Mussel Powder
Size 0, transparent

Green Tea

Art.No. 55-000009
Vegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
350 mg Green Tea Extract
of which 332.5 mg Polyphenols
Size 0, transparent


Art.No. 55-000014
Vegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma

150.8 mg Magnesium
Size 0, transparent

Manpower Tribulus

Art.No. 55-000672
200 mg L-Arginine
1.5 mg Zinc
8.3 µg Selenium
0.9 mg Pantothenic Acid
Size 0, light blue semi-transparent


Art.No. 55-000850
≥ 7 x 109 CFU at time of production
Lactobacillus helveticus
Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
Lactococcus lactis
Bifidobacterium breve, bifidum & longum
Size 1, transparent

Probiotics + Prebiotics

Art.No. 55-005012
≥ 7 x 109 CFU at time of production
103.2 mg Inulin
Lactobacillus helveticus
Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
Lactococcus lactis
Bifidobacterium breve, bifidum & longum
Size 0, transparent


Art.No. 55-000671
Vegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
80 mg Vitamin C
50 mg Choline
28 mg Iron
16 mg Niacin
12 mg Vitamin E
10 mg Zinc
6 mg Pantothenic Acid
1.4 mg Riboflavin
800 µg Vitamin A
75 µg Vitamin K2
10 µg Vitamin D3 (400 I.U.)
1.4 mg Vitamin B6
1.1 mg Thiamine
5 µg Vitamin B12
200 µg Folic Acid
150 µg Iodine
55 µg Selenium
50 µg Biotin
Size 0, green semi-transparent

Vitamin B Complex

Art.No. 55-000986
Vegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
16 mg Niacin
6 mg Pantothenic Acid
1.1 mg Thiamine
1.4 mg Riboflavin
200 µg Folic Acid
50 µg  Biotin
2.5 µg Vitamin B12
1.4 mg Vitamin B6
Size 3, transparent

Vitamin D3

Art.No. 55-000493
20 μg Vitamin D3 (800 I.U.)
Size 3, transparent

Vitamin D3 PLUS

Art.No. 55-000495
20 μg Vitamin D3 (800 I.U.)
75 μg Vitamin K2
1.1 mg Thiamine
Size 3, transparent

Soft Capsules

Egypt. Black Cumin Oil

Art.No. 50-000049
500 mg Black Cumin Oil, Egyptian
Size 10 oval, transparent

Egypt. Black Cumin Oil, VEGAN

Art.No. 50-000344
Vegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
500 mg Black Cumin Oil, Egyptian,
Size 11 oval, transparent

Borage Oil

Art.No. 50-000006
500 mg Borage Oil
of which 100 mg Gamma-Linolenic Acid
9.1 mg Vitamin E
Size 10 oval, transparent

Borage Oil, VEGAN

Art.No. 50-000449
Vegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
500 mg Borage Oil,
of which 100 mg Gamma-Linolenic Acid
12.1 mg Vitamin E
Size 11 oval, transparent


Art.No. 50-000108
1000 mg CLA-FFA 80%
≙ 800 mg conjugated Linoleic Acid
Size 20 oblong, transparent

Royal Jelly

Art.No. 50-000031
166.6 mg Royal Jelly
326 Wheat Germ Oil
8.5 mg Vitamin E
Size 12 oval, transparent

Vitamin D3

Art.No. 50-005010
50 μg Vitamin D3 (2,000 I.U.)
Carrier oil: Soybean Oil
Size 4 oval, transparent

Vitamin D3, VEGAN

Art.No. 50-005010
50 μg Vitamin D3 (2,000 I.U.)
Carrier oil: Soybean Oil
Size 4 oval, transparent

Omega-3 Soft Capsules with EPA and DHA, marine

EPAX 5025 TGN 500 mg

Art.No. 50-000513
≥ 250 mg EPA, ≥ 125 mg DHA
Omega-3 total 415 mg/g

Size 10 oval, transparent

EPAX 5025 TGN 1000 mg

Art.No. 50-000515
≥ 500 mg EPA, ≥ 250 mg DHA
Omega-3 total 830 mg/g

Size 20 oblong, transparent

EPAX 4020 TGN 500 mg

Art.No. 50-000190
≥ 200 mg EPA, ≥ 100 mg DHA
Omega-3 total 350 mg/g

Size 10 oval, transparent

EPAX 4020 TGN 500 mg, gecoated

Art.No. 51-000010
≥ 200 mg EPA, ≥ 100 mg DHA
Omega-3 total 350 mg/g

Size 10 oval, transparent, matte

EPAX 4020 TGN 1000 mg

Art.No. 50-000211 / 50-005005
≥ 400 mg EPA, ≥ 200 mg DHA
Omega-3 total 700 mg/g

Size 20 oblong, transparent

EPAX 4020 EE 1000 mg

Art.No. 50-000039
≥ 400 mg EPA, ≥ 200 mg DHA
Omega-3 total 700 mg/g

6.1 mg Vitamin E
Size 20 oblong, transparent

EPAX 6000 TGN 500 mg

Art.No. 50-000221
≥ 150 mg EPA, ≥ 100 mg DHA
Omega-3 total 300 mg/g

Size 10 oval, transparent

EPAX 1500 TGN 500 mg

Art.No. 50-000491
≥ 52.5 mg EPA, ≥ 250 mg DHA
Omega-3 total 350 mg/g

Size 10 oval, transparent

Omega-3 Soft Capsules with EPA and DHA, vegan

Algae Oil 417 mg

Art.No. 50-000386
Vegan Icon | Goerlich PharmaAlgenöl Icon | Goerlich Pharma
≥ 62.6 mg EPA, ≥ 125.1 mg DHA
Size 10 oval, transparent

Algae Oil 625 mg

Art.No. 50-000533 / 50-000543
Vegan Icon | Goerlich PharmaAlgenöl Icon | Goerlich Pharma
≥ 6.3 mg EPA, ≥ 250 mg DHA
Size 12-15 oval, transparent

Algae Oil 834 mg

Art.No. 50-000388 / 50-000535
Vegan Icon | Goerlich PharmaAlgenöl Icon | Goerlich Pharma
≥ 125 mg EPA, ≥ 250 mg DHA
Size 20 oblong, transparent



Art.No. 35-000051
Add to water Icon | Goerlich Pharma
4500 mg Collagen
500 mg L-Carnitine
200 mg Hyaluronic Acid
80 mg Vitamin C
10 mg Zinc
16 mg Niacin
1 mg Copper
1.4 mg Riboflavin
Portion 6.85 g
Forest Fruit Flavour
Size 28 x 125 mm


Art.No. 35-000010
Add to water Icon | Goerlich PharmaVegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
1189 mg Konjac Glucomannan
26,7 mg Vitamin C
Portion 1.48 g
Orange Flavour
Size 20 x 85 mm


Art.No. 35-000082
Direkteinnahme Icon | Goerlich PharmaVegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
125 mg Yeast Beta Glucan
80 mg Vitamin C
10 mg Zinc
1.4 mg Vitamin B6
200 µg Folic Acid
55 µg Selenium
5 µg Vitamin D3 (200 I.U.)
2.5 µg Vitamin B12
Portion 1.6 g
Orange Flavour
Size 20 x 85 mm

Iron-Acerola Rasperry

Art.No. 35-000053
Direkteinnahme Icon | Goerlich PharmaVegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
80 mg Vitamin C
14 mg Iron
Portion 1.38 g
Raspberry Flavour
Size 20 x 90 mm

Iron-Acerola Black Currant

Art.No. 35-000054
Direkteinnahme Icon | Goerlich PharmaVegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
80 mg Vitamin C
14 mg Iron
Portion 1.38 g
Black Currant Flavour
Size 20 x 90 mm


Art.No. 35-000050
Direkteinnahme Icon | Goerlich PharmaVegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
375 mg Magnesium
Portion 1.93 g
Lemon Flavour
Size 20 x 90 mm

Probiotics Immune PLUS

Art.No. 30-000035
Direkteinnahme Icon | Goerlich PharmaVegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
5 probiotic bacteria strains
Lacticaseibacillus paracasei (Lafti L26)
Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
Lacticaseibacillus paracasei (Rosell®-215)
Bifidobacterium longum
Bifidobacterium breve
PLUS valuable micronutrients such as
Selenium, Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C
Portion 1.5 g
Raspberry or Orange Flavor
Size: 20 x 90 mm

Probiotics Gastrointestinal PLUS

Art.No. 30-000034
Direkteinnahme Icon | Goerlich PharmaVegan Icon | Goerlich Pharma
5 probiotic bacteria strains
Lacticaseibacillus paracasei (Rosell®-215)
Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus
Bifidobacterium longum
Bifidobacterium breve
Bifidobacterium animalis spp. lactis
PLUS valuable micronutrients such as
Selenium, Biotin, Zinc, Vitamin D, Folic Acid
Portion 1.5 g
Raspberry or Orange Flavor
Size: 20 x 90 mm


Art.No. tba


Algae Oil + Vitamin D3

Art.No. 25-005007
Vegan | Goerlich PharmaAlgenöl Icon | Goerlich Pharma
1 serving (5 ml) contains:
834 mg Algae Oil
≥ 125 mg EPA, ≥ 250 mg DHA
Omega-3 total (55%) 463 mg
20 µg Vitamin D3 (800 I.U.), vegan
With natural lemon flavour

Algae Oil + Vitamin D3 Forte

Art.No. 25-000178
Vegan | Goerlich PharmaAlgenöl Icon | Goerlich Pharma
1 serving (5 ml) contains:
3.86 g Algae Oil
≥ 579 mg EPA, ≥ 1158 mg DHA
Omega-3 total (55%) 2123 mg
20 µg Vitamin D3 (800 I.U.), vegan
With natural lemon flavour

Vitamin D3

Art.No. 25-000128
20 μg Vitamin D3 per drop (800 I.U.)
Carrier oil: MCT oil

Vitamin K2 + D3

Art.No. 25-000148
20 μg Vitamin K2 per drop
20 μg Vitamin D3 per drop (800 I.U.)
Carrier oil: MCT oil

Vitamin K2

Art.No. 25-000161
100 μg Vitamin K2 per drop
Carrier oil: Olive oil

Note: Corresponding ingredients allow for various authorised health claims according to regulation (EU) 432/2012



², zitiert nach Dagmar Meißner-Pöthing et al.: Übersichtsarbeit Anti-Aging und Vitalität. In: J. Menopause. Heft 3, 2005, S. 5.


