customised formulations in
our portfolio

Development is sometimes like running a marathon – and you can rely on us to the last metre.

Quality or speed?
The following applies to our product development: quality AND speed.

The dynamics on the food supplement market require agile and flexible action. Trends therefore have to be identified early and new products often have to be brought to market in a very short time to be successful in the long term. We also implement long-term contract or initiative developments within a specified time frame though, always bearing our high quality standards and the jointly agreed time schedule in mind. This is how we provide security and satisfaction in all aspects: for your planning, for your product and therefore also for your customers.

Our approach is as simple as possible:

leave nothing to chance.




Whether it’s completely new developments or improving formulations: we see complex tasks as a challenge – where others might hesitate, we firmly stride forwards.
We draw up a clear project plan at the start to lay the foundation for success for your product development right from the start. We discuss a schedule, define the milestones and agree on a budget together.
We communicate openly and transparently at all times.
We also develop, test, evaluate and go the extra mile for you, because development sometimes resembles a marathon. The goal is always clear: a perfect product in perfect packaging.

reaching our goals together …